How Single Sign-On Behind Mechanical Magic Works?

At a time when we have to repeat our name twice even to buy a coffee, what is accessing multiple systems with a single authentication if not magic? This is the magic of Single Sign-On (SSO)… While creating a separate username and password for each application is both a waste of time and a multi-knowledge […]

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If Your Digital Immune System is Strong, You Are Strong Too!

The human body is a very complex, systematic and amazing mechanism, isn’t it? Everything is interconnected, each organ has a different task and dozens of commands can be processed simultaneously. Just like a computer! And just as our bodies can be invaded by microbes, the systems we use can be invaded by malicious attackers. To […]

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Our Data is an Ocean, Hackers are a Fisherman: What is Whaling?

Think of an ocean… It extends to infinity, takes its blue from the sky, and hosts thousands of living creatures. Let this ocean be such an ocean that the living creatures living in it will constantly multiply and this diversity will attract many fish. Everything looks perfect so far, doesn’t it? So what happens when […]

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Increase Your Security with Risk-Based Authentication (RBA)

Even though systems that bring together all partners of institutions, organizations and companies are facilitating in terms of operation, they bring with them many risks. The most critical question is whether each user who will log in to the system or application in question is really a stakeholder of the organization or company. Especially in […]

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A TouchStone in Authentication: What is FIDO?

Identity security is an issue that has been emphasized for many years and has been tried to be improved with different initiatives to make digital systems more secure. Every effort in this area leads to more stringent protocols. In this way, new standards created for secure user authentication processes have the authority to dominate the […]

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Lock Your Doors with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Our digital devices, which provide us with thousands of data with a single click, and the applications which we share our personal information, have never been as secure as we thought. As our awareness increased, we began to understand that the passwords requested from us only create a door between our personal data and the […]

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In the New World, the Fast One Wins: What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?

In the New World, the Fast One Wins: What is Single Sign-On (SSO)?   SSO, which shortened from Single Sign-On, is a mechanism that shortens the authentication process and makes it possible to log in to systems or applications more easily. Strong strategies in identity and access management give brands, institutions, companies or individuals an […]

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What is Passwordless Authentication and What Does it Provide You?

Although passwords have been tools used for a long time to log in, they have become more vulnerable to increasing cyber attacks due to their speed and variety. Even if users use very strong and complex passwords, they cannot eliminate the risk of being subjected to a cyber attack. Passwords are easily stolen and are […]

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Monsters, Heros and Humans.. We All Share The Same World

If you are robbed in one of the back streets, the person you want to call will be a police, but the person you want to come with you will be a superhero. Even though real-world superheroes want to help you in these kinds of events, they can’t risk exposing their identities. No no don’t […]

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2 Things You Need for a Peaceful Life

Psychologists and psychiatrists publish a variety of things to do in order to have a peaceful life. In the books written on this subject, we are advised to seek peace within ourselves or to create our own peace of mind. A lot of advice is given in articles that describe how to deal with our […]

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A Life Without a Password is No More a Dream

If you are one of those who think that a life without a password is possible only in the distant future, you do not have to wait for such a distant future anymore. The foundations of life without a password have been laid in recent years. We can guess what awaits us in life without […]

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Don’t Let Remote Work Turn Your Life Into Hell

I must warn you, the story you are going to read contains as much horror as the Stephen King books. A friend of mine got a job during the pandemic. He thought it was a great opportunity because the company he started with was his dream company and he was afraid to make a mistake. […]

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The Evolution Process of Passwords From Past to Today

Have you ever thought about the history of passwords and the reasons for their creation? As mentioned in the name of passwords, ‘pass’ and ‘word’ are secret words that only some people use to do a job known to them or to enter somewhere. These words were so useful that they survived until today. In […]

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5 Reasons To Start Using AuthTake Today

What are you doing to add value to your company? Have you started keeping up with the digital transformation? If I buy your product, how long will it take to access your systems? What is your action plan to minimize the office hour losses of your employees? These are questions you often hear from your […]

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