- Personal -
Repeatedly logging in is over. AuthTake AccountBox, saves all your passwords in a safe and automatically fills them when logging into applications that require login with a password.
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Today's Problem and Difficulties
Since we cannot remove the use of passwords in accessing applications such as Gmail, Instagram, Facebook, security vulnerabilities arise due to the use of passwords. The fact that users have to enter passwords repeatedly while accessing an application and the passwords to be entered are different from each other due to security measures, making it very difficult to keep these passwords in mind.
AuthTake's Innovative Solutions
Authtake AccountBox record your passwords for you. Automatically fills your password when logging into applications that require login with a password. This way, you can choose strong passwords, not passwords that you can remember. Since your passwords are stored in a separate system, not on your device, if you lose your device, you will not have any problems accessing your accounts.

Access All Your Favorite Websites With Just One Push
Aren’t you tired of entering your password million times a day and asking WHAT WAS MY PASSWORD? Our customers have been notified of losing time and energy due to constantly logging in and resetting forgotten passwords during the day. AuthTake AccountBox, saves all your passwords in a safe and automatically fills them when logging into applications that require login with a password.
Independent research conducted in the US and UK on behalf of Openwave Mobility, has found that consumers are on average spending 12 full days of their lives searching for usernames and passwords. mericans are spending on average 12 days and 1 hour of their lifetime trying to remember and reset passwords, while Brits spend on average 11 days and 17 hours. Extrapolating this to the rest of the global online population, this represents a frustrating productivity sink of 16.3 billion hours a year!

Save Time and Energy
You can use Authtake AccountBox as an add-on in your browser or download it as an application to your device.
It allows you to access, manage and share passwords from anywhere, anytime.
– Try Premium for free for 30 days.
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