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Passwordless MFA
Eliminate the risks caused by passwords with AuthTake Passwordless MFA. Go passwordless now.
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Today's Problem
Simple passwords are easy to guess, complex ones slip our minds - they can be easily hacked and stolen. Also frequent password changes are exhausting and costly.
Innovative Solutions
According to the FIDO operating mode, the login request is initiated from the device owned by the user. In the verification processes, FIDO requests biometric verification from the user according to the support of the mobile device. Thus, it eliminates the use of passwords.
Why AuthTake?
By eliminating passwords, AuthTake enables organizations to increase their security levels and avoid password management costs with its fast and secure "Passwordless User Authentication" technology thanks to Public Key Encryption (PKC) and FIDO infrastructure.

How AuthTake Passwordless Authentication Keeps You Secure?
AuthTake offers FIDO/FIDO 2 support using Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) infrastructure consisting of public / private key pairs in secure passwordless user authentication service. FIDO requests biometric verification from the user according to the support of the mobile device. It offers hybrid operation thanks to On-Prem and Cloud Active Directory support.

AuthTake propose you frictionless login experience without any security risk.
For secure and fast access, AuthTake passwordless authentication provides you special features. Through its offline mode, it enables access by using PIN in offline situations that are not connected to the system. With the remote locking feature, the user can protect the security of their data no matter where they are. Also it generates an alarm when your session stays open for a long time. By initiating the user authentication process from mobile, attacks such as PUSH and MITM are prevented. It offers a good user experience thanks to its fast login and easy integration.
AuthTake Passwordless MFA provides 400% faster access to your accounts.

How to Use AuthTake?
When it comes to protect your data, let There are several ways to use the AuthTake Passwordless MFA and they all are super easy to use.

Via Push Notification
The user can log into the system via push notification.
Via QR Code
The user can log into the system via the QR code.
The user can log into the system via OTP.